Nala after a Best of Winners Win |
Nala and Obi with Forrest |
CH Royal Nala-Pride of SureFire
24 inches, 85 lbs - See Nala's Pedigree OFA Good Hips/Elbows and Penn Hip DI Left hip 0.34, DI Right hip 0.28 - 80th percentile - this indicates that she has tighter hips that approximately 80% of Penn Hip results for her breed. To see the results click here - NALA PennHip. Nala is a UKC Champion and has 3 wins towards her UKC Grand Champion. See Nala's puppies: Nala x Obi January 2003 Nala x Brutus September 2003 Nala x Obi August 2004 Nala x Khan October 2005 Nala xObi April 2006 Nala's last litter - Nala x Leo March 2008 |
Nala has won numerous Best of Breeds during her show career. |
Nala and Monica |
Nala, excellent pigment and white coat |
IABCA National Puppy CH Royal Nala-Pride of SureFire Monica showed Nala at an IABCA International Show in February 2000 and received SG-1 titles (the highest a puppy can earn) all three days of the show. She placed Best in Breed all three days, and won a Group 1 on the first day and a Group 3 on the second day. In the Group she was competing against the Best of Breed puppies from all the Herding Breeds (including German Shepherd Dogs). In the International shows the white shepherds are classified as a separate Rare Breed entitled "White German Shepherd". The Shilo Shepherds also compete in the Herding group as a Rare Breed with the White German Shepherds along with all other AKC recognized herding breeds. |