SureFire Shepherds


Videos of our White Shepherds/White Swiss Shepherds
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02-11-14  Mardi x Oslo puppies.

11-25-13 Jubie x Flash puppies.

11-25 13 Chelsea and Tatsu.

10-31-13 Izzy x Hero puppies.

05-17-13 Heli x Thunder puppies

05-13-13  Heli x Thunder puppies.

04-19-13 Eowyn x Hero puppies.

02-09-13 Heli and Strider.




Eowyn x Hero puppies at 4.5 weeks of age - April 19th, 2013


Strider and Rella, Izzy, Jubilee and Mardi - late fall of 2012


Shogun, Sikiya and Zukes - June 2012