Strider Offspring in
Europe |
Jet-Set of Luna Legacy owned by Melody Gason, owner of
Kennel Legacy

Eurodog Show
Belgium 2011 (3rd Best Young in Show)

2011 Best Group 1 (Best
Dog in Show)

2011 (Best young in show)

Dog Show Mons Belgium 2011 (Best young in show

45e Dog Show Mons
Belgium 2011 (Best young
shepherd dog in show)

Hoogstraten 2012 4th Group 1
Best Shepherd Dog
in Show)

Neujahrssiegerschau RWS 2012
Germany (
Best female & RWS Neujahrssieger 2012)
- BOS ( Best Female) RWS
Neujahrssieger 2012 (WSS
Judge: M.Paul Jentgen (Luxemburg)
- BOS (Best Female) National Show
Genk Belgium 2012
( WSS Judge: Krol
- BOS (Best Female) International Show
Gent Belgium
2012 (WSS Judge: Van Deijl
- BOB (Best of Breed) Hoogstraten 2012
& Best of Group 4 (WSS Judge: M. DESCHUYMER Norman (Belguim)
- Judge Group 1: Mvr Vermeire Myriam (Belgium)
- BOB (Best of Breed) WSS Judge:
Ruskovaara Elena (Finland)
- Best in Show Young Louvanium 2011 (BIS young Judge Chwalibog
E (Poland)
& Best of Group 1 Louvanium 2011 (Judge Group 1 Van Mme Deijl (Belgium)
& Best in show 5 Louvanium 2011 ( Best in Show Judge:
Cristian Stefanescu (Rumania)
- Best Young WSS
45e Dog Show Mons Belgium 2011 (WSS Judge: M.Miodrag
Vreteničić ( (Montenegro). & Belguim)Mons
2011 judge BIS young Mvr Vermeire Myriam (Belguim) Best in
show young (Judge:M.Miodrag Vreteničić (
- Best young WSS
Eurdogshow 2011 belguim (WSS Judge:Vanhoenacker
roger (Belguim) 3 rd
Best in show young (BIS young Judge: M. DESCHUYMER Norman (Belguim)
- Best young WSS & BOB ( Best of breed )
Liege Internationale show 2011
(WSS Judge: M. W. MROWIEC (poland)
Best young WSS national show charleroi
2011 Belguim (WSS Judge:Mme
Melchior m.j (Luxembourg)