Izzy x Hero 2013 litter


4 males and 3 females born August 10th, 2013

AKC/UKC registration

See our pick puppy, SureFire Caped Crusader "Batman".


Our puppies are typically reserved rather quickly, often before they are even born.  If you would like to be considered for a puppy from one of our litters, please email us with details of how a SureFire puppy would be treated at your home, and tell us about your experience in owning a dog.  If we agree that we can meet your needs for a puppy, we will suggest a litter for you to place a deposit on.  Only after your deposit is received, is a puppy RESERVED for you. 

Please email or call us for more information. or 360-957-3325 (cell) or 360-578-2076 (home).

Here are a couple of you tube videos of the puppies :

Below are pictures of the puppies at 11 weeks.  All puppies are in their new homes.

Puppies pictured at 6 weeks of age


Red collar Male









Blue collar Male









Black collar Male









Green collar Male









Pink collar Female









Yellow collar Female









Purple collar Female